Apparently, 3,000 pounds of wood waste is generated during home constructions. Naruse-Inokama Architects reuse wood waste from home constructions to generate paper
heineken wobo
A Beer Bottle That Doubles as a Brick.In 1963 the Heineken WOBO (world bottle) was envisioned by beer brewer Alfred Heineken and designed by Dutch architect John Habraken, the “brick that holds beer” was ahead of its ecodesign time, letting beer lovers and builders alike drink and design all in one sitting.
Thanks Todd
Thanks Todd
what is important to you
Candy Chang turned the side of an abandoned house in her New Orleans neighborhood into a giant chalkboard where residents can write on the wall and share what is important to them. Before I Die is an interactive public art project that transforms neglected spaces into constructive places where we can discover the hopes and aspirations of the people around us. Looking forward to do a Before I Die wall in Palma soon ... very soon
nutella profiteroles with candied noisettes
'The fine arts are five in number, namely: painting, sculpture, poetry, music, and architecture,
the principal branch of the latter being pastry.'
Recipe here
room XX
When art meets architecture, thats the strong effect.
"On a day of immense heat in the middle of the sahel desert, I recall with vivacity the mirage of an image of the world dripping toward the sky"; the vivid idea later took shape as he planned out the work. Miquel Barceló and a team of engineers and architects created this new elliptic domed ceiling that is made from extra-strength aluminium. once in place barceló and his team of 20 assistants began construction of the sculpture, 35 tons of paint and after 13 months of work the ceiling of the UN chamber was complete.
Watanabe Takayuki based in Izu, Shizuoka. I began to admire this expressive art and I guess this set inspired me thanks to photographer Nazara Lázaro who’s been taking pictures for Watanabe in Japan. I found it fascinating to hear that Nazara has been living in a zen monastery for over two months.
balloon bench
Los fantásticos japoneses Heisei 22 han diseñado este banco suspendido. Qué bien quedaría éste en la nueva oficina. SOOO GOOOD !! Balloon bench se vende en somewhere
Awesome japanese studio Heisei 22 designed this suspended bench. How good would this look in the new office. SOOO GOOOD !! Balloon bench is sold by somewhere
Valentine's Card
Made by Joel ha creado estas super divertidas criaturas de San Valentín. Las plantillas están listas para imprimir, recortar y colorear. Si queréis podéis adjuntar imágenes de vuestras tarjetas en el facebook de Made by Joel Feliz San Valentín!
Made by Joel is the supercool author of this funny little Valentine's card creatures.Templates are below if you want to try them out. Just print, cut, fold and tape. If you’d like to share photos of your creatures on the Made by Joel Facebook page. Happy Valentine’s Day!
House in Leymen
Herzog & de Meuron made that project in '97, a sloping roof, a tall chimney and large windows remind one of child's drawing. The exterior shape of the house might be seen as a prototypical house. See more about it here